Research NETWORK


We are a network of scholars, professionals, advocates, and community members dedicated to scholarship and community building with a long history of working with the Montagnard community and other refugee and immigrant populations within our region. 

Formerly housed at the University of North Carolina Greensboro's Center for New North Carolinians (2012-18), we now are hosted by Montagnard Dega Association and work in close partnership with MDA's Community Advisory Council. These relationships declare our belief in scholarship that responds to community needs.

Learning from COVID-19

▶️2019-2023 Impact Report

Disaggregated data to improve service and policy  

▶️The Montagnard Population Count Project

Accurate stories to replace stereotypes and gaps

▶️An AAPI College+Community Course

Influencing and informing system players

▶️Our Approach: From SDOH to Action

Sharing, disseminating CBPR methods and success models 

▶️From Service Learning to CBPR

Rapidly changing demographics and generational leadership
